Swiss Miss at SXSW

The great Swiss Miss did one of the keynote talks at SXSW Interactive last week which I've been told was so popular there were queues of people going round the convention centre. For those of us not in Austin, Texas, last week she's put it up on her blog so if you click on the pic above you can see it. It's a really inspiring talk from a brilliant woman who is balancing her work life and her family life while doing something she loves. It's well worth putting an hour aside to watch it. Be inspired! 

Here are her 11 rules to live by:​

1. Invest your life in what you love

2. Embrace enthusiasm

3. Don’t complain; make things better

4. You have got to trust and you have got to empower

5. Surround yourself with like minded people

6. Experience is more important than money

7. Collaborate

8. Ignore haters

9. Make time to think and relax

10. If an opportunity scares you take it

11.Be someone’s crazy aunt